Holidays, digital gadgets and your health

Holidays are here and so are digital gadgets!

The long awaited holidays are here and most of us including our children will have some time to use some digital gadgets for entertainment and communication among others.

Internet and mobile technology is the best thing that happened in this day and age. It has made life so much easy in all ways that you can imagine. It is now a lifestyle and mobile phones have become part and parcel of us. Have you ever forgotten your phone somewhere, at home, in office? What did that make you feel? Anxious, desperate, cut off from the world? This is how dependent on the mobile phones we have become.

We are spending more and more time on our mobile phones and other digital gadgets. This habit however, is slowly taking a toll on our health and social aspects of our lives.

Let us explore the various ways that the digital screens are affecting us and what we can do to minimize this, even as we go for our holidays.

12 Effects of digital gadgets on your Health

  1. Dry eyes and eye strain
  2. Damage to macular and reduced vision
  3. Hearing loss
  4. Source of bacteria and possible infections
  5. Texting neck syndrome
  6. Hypertension
  7. Obesity
  8. Cancer (and this is still being studied and debated)
  9. Arthritis
  10. Chronic back pains
  11. Anxiety, depression and Stress
  12. Reduced memory

12 Effects of gadgets on the social front

  1. Reduced language progression in children
  2. Reduced communication skills
  3. Isolation
  4. Dependency
  5. Cut of family ties including ruined relationships
  6. Reduced performance in school or work
  7. Security threats
  8. Financial constraints
  9. Time constraints
  10. Accidents both road traffic and other accidents
  11. Reduced attention span
  12. Disrupted sleep

These effects are worse with children as they do not know the boundaries

10 ways to help you reduce these effects

  1. Try going for about an hour walk without your phone every so often. This helps you to detach yourself from the phone and focus your mind on other things
  2. Refrain from using the phone in the bedroom
  3. Listen more to stories and engage especially with children
  4. Switch off and just learn to relax-nothing much will happen-unless you are dealing with emergencies
  5. Put off those alerts. Every time your phone sounds an alert there is always the temptation to see what it is
  6. Schedule specific times for social media
  7. Position your screen upright to reduce strain on your muscles of neck and back
  8. Install apps to help you break the mobile phone addiction
  9. Delete apps and games that you do not need or those that lead you to addiction
  10. Practice a no-phones get together with friends and family

We shall be looking at the effects of these gadgets on the eye sight later in our next series of articles. Meanwhile, practice two or three (more if you can) of the above activities and just enjoy your holidays

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83 thoughts on “Holidays, digital gadgets and your health”

  1. Quando tiver dúvidas sobre as atividades de seus filhos ou a segurança de seus pais, você pode hackear seus telefones Android em seu computador ou dispositivo móvel para garantir a segurança deles. Ninguém pode monitorar o tempo todo, mas há um software espião profissional que pode monitorar secretamente as atividades dos telefones Android sem alertá-los.

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